Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) may assist you in accomplishing more than simply determining the colors, fonts, and placement of various components. CSS enables you to build fashionable animations and visual effects. You do not need to be familiar with JavaScript or even HTML in order to create various animations and environments on your website. Using only CSS codes, you may create stunning backdrop effects that will add interest to your website.
We have compiled a list of css background effects examples to assist you in creating enjoyable webpages. We’d like to share a couple of our personal favorites with you. The css background effects in this post are appropriate for a variety of skill levels, so we are confident that everyone will find something.
Diagonal Color Gradients
This CSS animated background sample requires no JS. It produces a radiant of four hues that progresses diagonally from one corner to the next. You may alter the gradient’s colour, speed, and direction.
Pure CSS Particle Animation
This is an example of a particle animation. It does not require JavaScript to be built. The entire point of this backdrop is for particles to move randomly. The vignette effect is create via the mank-image attribute.
Floating Color Orbs
Sassy CSS is used in this animation to create a colourful floating orb effect. The colours are randomly generated, and the orbs gently travel across the screen. If you look closely, you will notice that each ‘orb’ is really represented by text. They are really shadows of a full point punctuation mark produced at random.
Floating SVGS
This is an example of how to utilise SCSS to create a three-dimensional effect using blur and perspective.
Floating Stained Glass Effect
To create this backdrop, simply edit two variables in the Floating Color Orbs code. Change the content from ‘.’ to ‘V’ and the shadow value of the loop text from 7px to 2px.
Parallax Star background in CSS
This animation gives your backdrop the sense of depth by producing a parallax scrolling stars effect. It makes use of a straightforward SASS code (which generates a random star field on load) and CSS animation keyframes.
Pattern Animation (Infinite)
Flexbox enables for vertical and horizontal text centering. Infinite scrolling is possible with keyframes.
Spipa circle
The animator was inspire by a vacation he took to Tunisia, where he followed a stranger who insisted on showing him something. The animation depicts a collection of random forcefields that travel in a labyrinth-like pattern without ever colliding. After a predetermined amount of steps, a space becomes available.
This animation creates the illusion of bright paint streaks moving down the screen through the use of colour gradients.
Home Calm breeze login screen
A pretty basic login screen with floating spinning squares.
Infinite SVG Triangle Fusion
Triangles reappear and vanish. Each division has a clip-path attribute that allows for the creation of a hexagon mask. When the hexagons collide, the expanding triangles bleed equally into the surrounding hexagons’ triangles until they vanish.
Awesome Animated background
This is a really appealing animation. Purple and white combine to create a really pleasant and attractive movement that is certain to amaze your visitors. Additionally, it enables you to customise the front end with a title.
CSS Fireflies
An beautiful HTML and CSS-only effect that simulates the appearance and disappearance of delicate firefly on the screen.
A well-designed website creates a lasting impression on visitors, and a well-executed animation always adds an extra element of enchantment. Whether you go all out with an animated starry or gradient background or simply incorporate some beautiful and subtle parallax effects into your design, it may work wonders.
CodePen offers only open source code contributed by developers as a service to the community. Therefore, if you like one of these effects, feel free to duplicate it, change it, or use it as a starting point for creating your own CSS animations.