A few tools have become equally helpful online as they are offline. Calculators are one of these. It’s even more so now that we have applications that can do more than simply crunch the statistics anymore, isn’t it? We may use online calculators to manage our diets, calculate a loan payment, and even find the distance between two places.
Whatever the problem, there’s almost certainly a specialized instrument that can solve it. The code snippets that we’ve put together cover a wide range of topics, so feel free to use them as you see fit. Both CSS and JavaScript may be used to their full potential with these examples.
CSS Calculators

Let’s begin with the calculator that all of us are familiar with, shall we? This sample, which was constructed using React, is quite similar to the pocket model that many of us carried around with us while we were in school. Additionally, it is still of some value. Do you really want to figure out how to answer those equations on your own?
Casio FX 702P

To put it in the simplest words possible, CSS calc is essentially a CSS function, similar to rgb, var, and so on, that enables you to do mathematical operations like as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication on a number of different CSS units.
FX 82MS Scientific Calculator

The Casio fx-82MS is a calculator that has 240 functions, some of which are scientific functions and some of which are simple functions. The calculation formula and the result are simultaneously shown on the two-line display of this device.

Calculations may be carried out thanks to an in-built CSS function that makes this possible. Calculations including length, percentage, time, numbers, integer frequency, and angle may all be performed with it. Add (+), multiply (*), subtract (-), and divide (/) are the four basic mathematical operations that are utilized by this method.
Calculator with CSS grid

In order to get started, you will need to define a container element as a grid by applying the display: grid attribute to it. Next, you will need to set the column and row sizes by applying the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows attributes. Finally, you will need to insert the container element’s child elements into the grid by applying the grid-column and grid-row attributes.
Basic Calculator in Pure CSS

To make a calculator using HTML, first familiarize yourself with the language’s fundamentals, then open a text editor, paste the appropriate code, and save the file using an extension that corresponds to HTML. After that, you may use your calculator by launching the HTML document in the browser of your choice and following the instructions.
Calculator Pure CSS

It’s a combination of employing CSS variables, an appropriate HTML structure that has over 80 checkboxes and labels, calc() for the math, and CSS counters to output things to the screen.
Glassmorphism Calculator UI

In glassmorphism UI, there is just one calculator design. There are all the buttons you need to do basic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It was a complete success with all of these buttons. This calculator’s glassmorphism design is enhanced by the variety of little boxes that surround it. All of the little boxes are moving in the same upward direction.
Daily UI Calculator

These calculator projects have stunning CSS animations and effects. Here are a few codepin calculator examples in HTML and CSS. Which can assist you in the creation of your own personal calculator. Some calculator models that are solely created with JavaScript CSS and HTML can be used in your own projects by copying and pasting the code from these models.
Simple Calculator

Users are able to do basic arithmetic operations very quickly and easily with the assistance of the Simple Calculator. Its elegant design and ever-changing backdrop images feature scenes from nature, making it the most effective tool for performing computations in a short amount of time.
Pure CSS Calculator

You can use this Bootstrap snippet in your project because it is free and open source. Download the source code for this awesome calculator for free. Open source, Creative Commons license, or completely free bootstrap snippets are all featured here. These CSS HTML snippets may be downloaded for free. Best for Bootstrap responsive Bootstrap responsive jQuery Awesome Calculator with source code sample Snippets may be easily added to your project and modified.
Old School Calculator

The Old School Calculator is a scientific calculator that performs basic and elementary mathematical operations. Simply enter a formula in the same way that you would write it down. Displays for decimal, sexagesimal, and exponential calculations are included on the calculator.
Some tools are now as useful online as they are in the real world. One of these is a calculator. Isn’t it even more so now that we have applications that can do more than just calculate the numbers? For example, we may use an internet calculator to keep track of our meals and even compute a loan payment.