CSS Page Transitions Effects For Unique Look

CSS animations are use to alter and accentuate HTML components through the use of CSS — i.e. without the usage of JavaScript or Flash. As many designers are aware, using JavaScript or Flash for animations may be excessively resource-intensive and insecure in Flash.

CSS page transitions are animated transitions between pages use to different websites as superior and deserving of a good browse. And when used properly, they may provide a sense of vitality and significantly aid in navigation.

Expanding Card Page Transition Effect

css page transitions

No libraries, that bit when the card extends into the backdrop, noted. Please keep in mind that this code is not yet ready to be use in production on your website. It will require adaptation to be cross-browser.


Article Transition Page

This is one of Muna’s CSS page transitions. It was primarily inspire by the CSS-based ReAlign 2 on the Dribble website, but it also incorporates HTML and JavaScript. In comparison to other page transitions on the Web, this one is also Microsoft Edge compliant.



Hakim El Hattab designed Kontext, which is a very easy transition that highlights that the page’s context has changed. If you’ve ever used an iOS device, you’re undoubtedly familiar with this sort of transition.


Dummy Multi Layer Page Reveal Effect

css page transitions

This stunning page reveals Mehmet Burak Erman created the effect. It was constructed in a multi-layer fashion using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The page transition is currently support by Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.


Tiles Page Transition (CSS)

Milan Ricoul designed this CSS-based tiles page transition, and it has received widespread acclaim. Milan developed it using the traditional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript combo, and it, like Mehmet Erman’s, is compatible with the majority of browsers.


Simple Page Transition

There is little to say about this page transition; it is precisely what the name implies: simple. It is built on HTML-Pug, CSS/SCSS, and JavaScript with vue.js and was designed by ktsn. If you’re searching for something basic yet spectacular, you should give it a try.


Page Transitions

This is MergimUjkani’s project, and the transition comprises a simple screen with navigation buttons/menus. If you recall how old televisions turn off by reducing the screen to a tiny line, you’ll recognise how this transition appears. Those in need of vintage CSS page transitions should have a look at this one.


Page Transition Loader

css page transitions

ArsenZbidniakov devised this pre-loader concept, which may be utilise each time a new page on a website is opened. It is made up of an SVG circular loader with a morphing effect. This CSS page transition would be ideal for imaginative websites that have a high volume of multimedia material.


React Animated Page Transitions

Sarah Drasner provided a brief demonstration of these CSS page transitions. She developed it with the help of GreenSock and SVG. Page transitions with React function seamlessly and look beautiful, so go ahead and experiment.


Material design transition

David Marland created both the design and animation for this transition purely in CSS. It works nicely and includes some JavaScript to add classes. The transition can be postponed until the replacement material is added. This animation consists of two stages.


Split 3D Carousel

As the title implies, Paul Noble came up with an intriguing design that utilises the carousel pattern but with a split panel transition in three distinct dimensions. Without a doubt, this is one of the most frequently use CSS page transition styles.


Slider transitions

css page transitions

MirkoZoric experimented with the Swiper style to produce these CSS page transitions. He employs the well-known parallax phenomenon and experiments with filters to get an amazing image.



With so much competition to stay current in this market, it’s unsurprising that something as basic as a page transition is so tough to choose. CSS page transitions make it simple to animate any website without causing it to load slowly. Additionally, it encourages a more modern appearance and lends a sense of professionalism to any webpage.
