For dynamic content, I’ve seen that there are a lot of jQuery and JavaScript-based loading spinners, but CSS technology can do the same thing with better performance and less scripting than JavaScript. A collection of these excellent loading spinners animated using pure CSS/CS3 for your future project, inspiration, or for your specific users who have JavaScript DISABLED is presented here for your consideration.
AJAX loader, image/content lazy loader, image/content preloaded and much more are all free to download and use as preloaders and/or loading indicators for dynamic content. Due to their use of CSS3 animation, all of the loading spinners on this page should play nice with the latest versions of browsers that support CSS3 features like @keyframe and other animation-related attributes. Let’s take a look at them!
CSS 100 Day 75 Spinning Discs

This is a collection of several sorts of loaders, spinners. There are no image dependencies in this. It’s is done using CSS. Hence it is readily customizable too.
Spinning Disk

npm’s CSS Loader module collects all of the CSS files used by the working application and passes them to webpack as a single, consolidated string. CSS Loader is a front-end component. This generates a JavaScript module from a JavaScript application (CSS to JS file).
075 Spinning Discs

Spinning Disc

We have discussed about CSS Spinning Discs in this post. A lot of jQuery and JavaScript-based loading spinners are available, however CSS technology can do the same thing with greater performance and less programming than JavaScript.