Glassmorphism Login Form

Glassmorphism Login Form is now seeing a surge in popularity as a direct result of its stunning appearance. The user interface design known as CSS Glassmorphism is essentially analogous to a transparent design.

On the other hand, in this instance, the backdrop is just partially opaque and has a tiny blur to it. You may expect to come across a wide variety of websites and applications that use this particular style of design. This style of website layout is currently utilized by Apple and Windows, in addition to a great number of other websites.

Glassmorphism Login Form

It’s constructed in the same manner as a standard login form, as seen in the preceding example. On everyone’s initial web page, two bright circles have been added in various sizes and colours. On it, I built the framework for this login form.

The login form now features a header for the first time. The email address and password were then entered into two separate boxes. In addition to the login button, there are two buttons at the bottom for sharing on social media.