Your website may show photos, document files, or any other type of text using a plugin for jQuery called a flipbook. The following are three excellent JavaScript flipbooks that will make it simple for you to build realistic and animated flipbooks on your own.
Your material is presented in a digital flipbook format through the use of page-flipping effects, zoom, and support for a wide variety of content formats in JavaScript flipbooks. CodeCanyon is a market for various kinds of code, including high-quality jQuery plugins and JavaScript widgets, among other types of code. It is the greatest location to look for plugins that work with jQuery flipbooks.
Jquery Booklet

Booklet is a Jquery plugin that allows content to be displayed on the web using a flipbook-style layout. The JQuery Library Was Used in Its Construction.

Turn js is a plugin for jQuery that provides a stunning transition to HTML5 documents that is reminiscent of physical pages turning in a book or magazine. As a result of the impact that iBooks and Maps for iOS had, we were motivated to develop two classes: the first is for altering the whole publication, and the second is for each individual page.

BookBlock is a plugin for jQuery that can be used to create components that resemble booklets and allow for navigation using a “page flip” mechanism. It is possible to utilise any content, including photographs and text.
Fullscreen Pageflip Layout

A step-by-step guide on how to use BookBlock to design a page-flipping layout for a full-screen presentation. The information will be flipped over like the pages of a book, and users will be able to navigate between pages via a menu that slides out from the left side of the screen.
Ipad Page Flip

A straightforward page flip effect with support for swipes to the left and right, optimised for use on iPads.
Using something called a flipbook, a plugin for jQuery, you may display photographs, document files, or any other kind of content on your website. Here are three fantastic JavaScript flipbooks that will make it easy for you to create your own photo-realistic and dynamic flipbooks on your own.