jQuery Weather Plugins let you post weather updates on your website. Weather forecasts on the website enhance interactivity and average session time. This feature helps restaurants, retreat facilities, and country clubs.
- jQuery Modal Dialog Windows
- jQuery Pagination
- jQuery Notifications
- jQuery Scrolling Menus
- jQuery Fullscreen Menus
Here are jQuery Weather Plugins to add weather-related features to your website. These plugins use OpenWeatherMap.org, worldweatheronline.com, and other weather APIs. Your website visitors may check the weather and their present location.
CSS Weather App

These helpful widgets sit atop your home screen and provide instant access to frequently used data without requiring you to launch a separate programme. Installing a weather widget on your Android home screen is one of the most useful things you can do.
Weather Widget

Weather Widget Design is helpful for comprehending weather updates. This has all the key points. Let’s examine the module’s highlights. It shows weather data, date, time, location, lightweight data modification, Open Weather map API, a schedule to test connection settings, and more.
Weather Widget App With Open Weather Api

Geo-Location Weather Widget That Detects Weather Status, Conditions, Local Time, Temperature In (Celsius/Fahrenheit), Wind Speed, Humidity, Pressure, Sunrise And Sunset. Allow Geo-Location On Browser First.
Local Weather App

This application for checking the weather was built with jQuery. Canvas from HTML5 was utilised in the production of animations. The icons were created by the Noun Project.
Super Mario Weather

It is a weather widget plugin that may display the current weather of the user depending on the geolocation information provided by the user’s browser. As a result, it may be put to use to display the current weather conditions in a number of different cities and nations throughout the world.
Weather App

A online application that is built on the jQuery and canvas frameworks that displays current weather information based on the Geolocation web API by making use of the OpenWeatherMap API.
Weather Card

It is a great weather widget that can be added to your site in a snap. It supports numerous units of measurement, a variety of time and date formats, geolocation, and custom location searches for your website’s users.
Local Weather

The weather widget may display either the current weather or a forecast for the next several days. It also has the option to display both the current weather and the prediction at the same time. The widget will determine your location and present the weather information that is relevant to that place.
Weather App

This widget has much to say, as the sample shows. The plan includes Precipitation, Humidity, and Wind, among other meteorological data. The Split plan widget. On the left is a picture and justified data. Float sway is also included.
Weather App Using Fetch Api

This jQuery plugin displays weather for any place. The plugin’s settings make it suitable for any website design. This plugin works on portals, blogs, and applications.
You have just finished reading about some of the top jQuery weather plugins, which allow you to show information about the weather forecast on your website. The majority of these jQuery plugins provide a weather widget that can be customized, and you can display it on the sidebar or footer of your website.