Everyone is responsible for gathering cookies. You will be able to acquire consents from consumers using these straightforward messages without frightening them away. Without causing too much difficulty, integrate the Tailwind components and cookies into your website layout.
- Tailwind Dropdowns
- Tailwind Hero Sections
- Tailwind Footers
- Tailwind Blog Components
- Tailwind Feature Sections
- Tailwind FAQ
- Tailwind Dashboards
You are able to go through the many various Tailwind cookies component themes that are included in our UI libraries by navigating to this subpage. You will also locate a great deal of various kinds of components, each of which will adhere to a similar design.
Our in-house development team collaborated with seasoned designers to create each of these libraries, which were then made available for public usage.
Free Tailwind CSS Cookies Component

Cookies Tailwind components are a prompt that lets people know that the website utilises cookies to offer a personalised experience that they may accept or refuse.
Cookies Alert Tailwindcss & Alpine Js

Banners asking for approval to store cookies are both unsightly and irritating. However, if you use any cookies on your website that aren’t absolutely necessary for the functioning of the site, you are obligated by law to install one.
Cookie Banner Tailwind Css & Alpine Js

Everyone is responsible for gathering cookies. You will be able to acquire consents from consumers using these straightforward messages without frightening them away. Without causing too much difficulty, integrate the Tailwind components and cookies into your website layout.
Cookie Banner And Settings Modal

Cookie Consent is a simple JavaScript plugin that notifies visitors to your website about the cookies that are being used on your site. It was developed specifically to assist you in swiftly complying with the cookie rules of the EU, GDPR, and California. Cookie permission is a straightforward process that may be completed in a short amount of time and at no cost.
Cookie Policy

The Cookie Consent is open source and free to use, copy, change, and even sell. You may check out our licencing by clicking here.I t has a tonne of configuration options. With only a few mouse clicks, you can customise anything from the colours to the styles to the content. On the internet, it’s by far the most popular consent project. More than two billion times a month, Cookie Consent is seen by visitors on more than a million websites.
Using these easy-to-understand communications, you will be able to solicit consent from customers without driving them away in fear. Integrating the Tailwind components and cookies into the structure of your website shouldn’t be too difficult if you follow these steps.