Vue Input Text

Form inputs, text fields, textarea fields, and select fields may all have two-way data bindings created with the use of a v-model directive that is made available by Vue.js. The v-model directive will choose on its own the most appropriate method for updating the element, taking into account the type of input provided.


It supports data binding in both directions by binding the input text element as well as the value binded to a variable that has been allocated. Internally, the v-model directive makes use of distinct attributes, and it sends out distinct events, depending on the type of input element being processed.

Text Mask

Text Mask is a library that handles input masks. It is possible to construct input masks for anything, like a phone number, date, currency, zip code, %, or email address.


VUE Numeric

Input field component based on Vue that displays a monetary value in the appropriate format.


Vue Tel Input

Vue’s v-model directive may be used to tie an input value to a variable. The text variable is automatically updated whenever the user changes the input field. We can utilise this variable to act or show.


Vue Input Mask

A very little library for input masks in vue. js code based on text-mask-core that is less than 4 kilobytes and is available as a directive. No dependencies.


VUE Book Content Typer

An illustration depicting the V-model. Vue has both a lazy and a transition component. Animations created with GreenSock and included into the JS hook.


VUE Masked Input

The term “Vue Input fields” refers, more particularly, to the text input fields that are utilised to collect information from the users.


The Mask

A mask input that does not rely on any other dependencies and is very lightweight (2 KB gzipped) and was developed just for Vue.js.


VUE Highlightable Input

It enables developers to construct applications’ front-ends using JavaScript. It extends conventional markup languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a declarative and component-based programming approach that simplifies and speeds up the creation of UIs of any complexity.


VUE Phone Number Input

“While you type, vue-phone-number-input checks for typos and ensures the number is genuine while also handling international dialling codes. You may choose from a few different input sizes, fields that are greyed out, and an overall darker user interface. Keyboard navigation to VuePhoneNumberInput is possible.”


VUE Pincode Input

Get input value using ref Accessing the input value in Vue is best done through the v-model since it provides the most flexibility. However, we also have the option of using the’ref’ property in order to get the value of the input element.



“For use with Vue.js and plain JS, Maska is a lightweight, dependency-free input mask. It accepts both user-defined and native input and allows for the definition of dynamic masks. Maska is small (less than 2 kilobytes when gzipped) and self-contained.”



Using the right combination of current tools and frameworks, Vue can also power complex single-page applications. Two-way binding between form input and app state is simplified by the v-model directive.


VUE Verification Code Input

Vue’s v-model directive may be used to tie an input value to a variable. The text variable is automatically updated whenever the user changes the input field. We can utilise this variable to act or show.


VUE Input Facade

A library for input masking that is lean and devoid of dependencies, and it was developed specifically for Vue.


VUE Simple Password Meter

The Vue simple password metre is an extremely lightweight and straightforward component that measures the security of a password. It is written in plain vanilla JS.


VUE Tel Input With Vuetify

Form inputs, text fields, textarea fields, and select fields may all have two-way data bindings created with the use of a v-model directive that is made available by Vue.js.


VUE Pincode

The vue-otp-input component for Vue is a one-time password (pin code) input component that can be customised and is user-friendly.


Smart Tagz

A straightforward and lightweight typeahead component written in Vue3 that displays a proposed list of components as the user enters in the input field.


VUE Email Autocomplete

A lightweight and flexible Vue wrapper component that, out of the box, offers email autocomplete and recommendations on input components.


VUE Input Validator

A validator checks the syntax and validity of code or documents. It’s used to validate HTML, CSS, and XML documents like RSS feeds, but it may be used for any format or language.



Vue.js’s v-model directive creates two-way data bindings on form inputs, text, textarea, and select fields. The v-model directive updates elements based on input type. It binds the input text element and its value to a variable. The v-model directive emits distinct events for different sorts of input components.
